Saturday, October 3, 2009

Your Mobile Phone is More Advanced Than Your Entire Company, But it Doesn't Need to Be!

Technology is ever changing, evolving and becoming things that we never thought possible ten years ago, but business are being left behind, failing to utilise technological advances. Allow me for a moment to use the analogy of the mobile phone. Mobile phones no longer just make phone calls and send text messages. They and now super-computers that sit in the palm of your hand. Digital camera, video recorder, video calling, portable music players, GPS, digital radio, e-mail, calendars that synchronise with your PC, Bluetooth, the internet (which contains just about everything, ever) and now applications -which provide endless possibilities - are all features that are starting to appear as standard.
Think back ten years, and work out how many different devices you would need to serve all the functions that you get in a typical mobile phone. You have a list of maybe a dozen different devices that you would struggle to fit into the boot of a car, let alone the palm of your hand. So why aren't businesses keeping up? It's simple. Businesses are failing to become what mobiles are, integrated.
The business of yesterday has all the functionality of the business of today, but it is split into a number of large, cumbersome components that do not talk to one another. When you bring these functions together and get them communicating seamlessly through one system, you won't just be up to date, you'll be one step ahead of your competitors. It's quick and easy to do, and you'll be surprised how affordable it is.

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